
A CFO’s Machine Learning Journey to Reduce Customer Churn

Thy Enemy Is Churn As a software CFO, the mandate is to efficiently grow and increase the organization’s net dollar retention rate.   You know the metric; it’s what investors prize and drives a company’s overall valuation.  Boosting revenue cost-effectively with the proper marketing channels is excellent and is often […]

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How Not to Miss The Quarter: Part 4 of 4

Coupling Marketing, Sales Metrics, and AE Projections with a Cushion When public companies report earnings and their stock shoots up 10% in a day, it’s fantastic.  Hitting and Exceeding your ARR bookings target is great, it builds confidence and makes everyone feel great.  When public tech companies miss earnings…ouch… the […]

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How to Have a Successful IPO (Despite Powell’s Recent Buzz Kill)

Part 1 of 5: Telling Your Company’s Story the Right Way InstaCart, Birkenstock, ARM, Klaviyo, the market seems to be unimpressed with these recent IPOs.  And if anything this rate environment is likely to persist as the Fed awaits more inflation data. Yet if f you get many things right […]

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How to Get Your Financial House in Order for a Successful IPO

Part 2 of 5 of How to Have a Successful IPO and Beyond Having a comprehensive financial foundation in advance of an IPO success should go without saying, but it goes deeper. Not only is it important to keep in mind that a piece-by-piece approach to deploying financial software can […]

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Prepare For Rigorous IPO Financial Reporting

Part 3 of 5 of How to Have a Successful IPO and Beyond The IPO process is made significantly easier by efficiently producing financial statements, so there’s significant value in investing in systems (and automation) that can deliver global consolidation and financial reporting. Yes, we are finance people but spend […]

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How to Establish Effective Corporate Governance for IPO Success

Part  4 of 5 of How to Have a Successful IPO and Beyond The public market doesn’t reflect kindly on organizations that can’t effectively govern themselves or have a lot of internal infighting.  Companies considering IPOs must establish a corporate governance framework that keeps board members and executive management accountable […]

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How to Craft a Winning AE Compensation Plan

Hiring salespeople is easy; hiring the right salespeople, motivating the troops, and helping them drive ARR growth takes more work. And for SaaS companies, the forecasting is so acutely tied to how the salespeople perform. For example, how much cash will the company have at the end of two years? […]

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ChatGPT vs. Anthropic’s Claude in Finance Reporting

PART: 1 of 4 Reporting and compliance in finance demand accuracy, timeliness, and regulatory complexities, which result in manual processes, data overload, and high costs. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation offer a solution by streamlining operations, improving accuracy, and guaranteeing adherence to regulations. Finance departments can automate tasks, reduce errors, […]

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ChatGPT vs. Claude in Finance and Accounting (Part Deux)

Claude 3 dukes it out with the latest from Open AI GPT-40 in Internal Control and Audits Are the Numbers Right? Will the Auditors Frown? It’s a big deal to have confidence in the numbers and to make sure that internal controls are tight to show auditors that you know […]

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AI Meets Your Payroll Provider

We get asked a lot which payroll provider fits well with Quickbooks or Intacct.  Digging deeper, we noticed that many software vendors are adding AI to their payroll platforms.  Here’s our take on the latest in AI and how it can improve your HR operations and tie things better into […]

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