The Challenge: Aligning Strategies for ARR Growth

What’s my budget?  That’s typically the CMO’s question during the budgeting process with the CFO.  And sometimes the discuss becomes, “well you spend $16 million last year, so we should keep it next year.” But we can do better.  

Driving strong growth necessitates a cooperation and strategic alliance between Finance and Marketing. Traditionally, these departments operate with distinct objectives – Finance prioritizing cost efficiency and Marketing driving aggressive customer acquisition. From our experience and discussions with our CFO (and Marketing peers), we recommend better strategies to bridge this silo mentality and foster a collaborative environment that fuels sustainable growth that’s cost-effective.  During a downturn, the impulse is to cut marketing spending but it doesn’t have to be that way. 

From Friction to Synergy: Establishing Shared Metrics

Friction often arises from departmental focus. Finance seeks to optimize spend, while Marketing seeks resources to cultivate brand awareness and generate leads. The key to fostering synergy lies in establishing a common language – the language of data-driven metrics. By aligning on key performance indicators (KPIs), both departments can work towards a unified vision.

Crucial KPIs for Collaborative Growth

These KPIs act as essential gauges, offering insights into the effectiveness of marketing investments and overall financial health. Our guide has all the metrics required (add link) and here are some of the key metrics for Finance and Marketing to jointly monitor:

  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) and CAC/LTV Ratio: CAC reflects the cost of acquiring a new customer. Ideally, this figure should be low. LTV, or Lifetime Value, measures the total revenue a customer generates over their relationship with the company. The CAC/LTV ratio, ideally below 3:1, indicates the profitability of customer acquisition efforts.
  • Conversion Rates from Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) to Sales Accepted Leads (SALs): Marketing efforts generate leads (MQLs), but not all are sales-ready. The MQL to SAL conversion rate measures the efficiency of your marketing funnel in converting initial interest into qualified leads for the sales team. Optimizing this metric through targeted campaigns directly impacts the bottom line.


  • Cost per Lead: This metric reflects the efficiency of your lead generation efforts. By analyzing the cost per lead across different channels (digital vs. traditional marketing), you can identify the most cost-effective methods. This allows for strategic budget allocation and maximizes marketing ROI.
  • SaaS Magic Number: This metric assesses the impact of combined sales and marketing spend on ARR growth. A number above 0.75 suggests that spending translates effectively into revenue, providing a benchmark for gauging the success of your marketing and financial strategies. Anything less than 0.5 means you have work to do. 

Source: industry data

  • Cash Spend per ARR: This metric tracks the cash spent to acquire each dollar of ARR. Ideally, you want this ratio below 1:1. This ensures you’re growing efficiently and not burning through cash on customer acquisition.

In terms of metrics depending on the stage of your company, we’ve outlined some of the stage metrics below as you scale your startup from Series A and beyond:


Collaborative Growth

By leveraging these KPIs effectively, Finance and Marketing can develop a data-driven marketing plan that aligns budgeting with company revenue targets. This collaborative approach necessitates:

Share KPIs on Google sheets: 

We use Google Sheets as the central hub for our KPIs, and we share it with the various teams.  One sheet consolidates everything, giving everyone a real-time view of the company’s health. Finance sees the impact of marketing spend, while Marketing understands the financial implications.  

This transparency fosters collaboration.  Everyone updates data simultaneously, keeping everyone on the same page. Live updates ensure everyone has the latest insights, while dashboards visually represent key metrics, highlighting trends for better decision-making. It’s a great way to kick off a meeting.  No need to create one. Here is a free copy to download for your company: 

  • Strategic Budgeting: Moving away from static budgets, a dynamic approach based on real-time data and projected pipeline contributions optimizes return on investment (ROI). This ensures marketing efforts are always aligned with current revenue goals.
  • Performance-Based Planning: Linking marketing spend to specific performance metrics like conversion rates or cost per lead allows for agile adjustments in strategy. This data-driven approach ensures resources are directed towards the most effective tactics, maximizing their impact.
  • Balanced Marketing Mix: A diversified marketing approach is crucial. Analyze the cost-effectiveness and lead generation impact of various channels (digital vs. field events). Utilize this data to create a balanced marketing mix that optimizes overall ROI.

Alignment to Drive Long-Term Success

By fostering a collaborative partnership built on shared goals and clear metrics, Finance and Marketing can transform from separate entities into a united front. This strategic alliance empowers both departments to drive sustainable, scalable growth for your SaaS company. Working together, they can not only achieve ambitious ARR targets but also propel the company towards long-term success.