ChatGPT in Finance for Startups

ChatGPT can revolutionize accounting and finance in SaaS startups, significantly boosting efficiency, productivity, and decision-making capabilities. We how ChatGPT can assist finance and accounting departments in SaaS startups, with a particular focus on streamlining Excel functions, automating tasks, modeling different scenarios, and leveraging what-if analysis.

I. Streamlining Excel Functions with ChatGPT:

Understanding Excel Functions:

ChatGPT serves as a valuable resource for SaaS companies seeking to understand the functionality of various Excel functions. An easy example is if you want to understand the difference between “Average” and “Mid” functions, ChatGPT can provide detailed explanations, including specific examples.

Calculating Profit in Excel:

ChatGPT proves invaluable when it comes to guiding users in writing Excel formulas for practical applications. For example, if a company wants to calculate profit in Excel, ChatGPT can be queried for the formula, given the revenue and cost cell references, and provide the necessary formula promptly (e.g., A2 minus B2). Not sure what the difference is between EBIT and EBITDA? Just ask ChatGPT for examples and industries which use one vs. the other.

Advanced Functions: VLOOKUP and INDEX MATCH:

In handling more complex scenarios, ChatGPT can provide help with advanced functions like VLOOKUP and INDEX MATCH. For instance, let’s imagine a SaaS startup that offers an e-commerce platform for computer hardware. The company wants to determine the price of a specific GPU component from a large table containing various products and their corresponding prices.

Utilizing ChatGPT’s guidance on advanced functions like VLOOKUP and INDEX MATCH, your startup can easily construct an Excel formula that incorporates the VLOOKUP function, specifying the GPU component as the lookup value and retrieving its corresponding price accurately.

Extracting Data with Formulas:

Efficient data extraction using formulas is something we do all the time and ChatGPT excels in this area. If a company needs to extract the first name from email addresses, ChatGPT can suggest an Excel formula that combines the LEFT and FIND functions, enabling the effortless retrieval of first names from email addresses for your marketing database.

Counting Unique Values:

Counting unique values in Excel has historically taken a lot of time and we can automate this. For example, if a company wants to count the number of unique cookie types sold, ChatGPT can provide an Excel formula to accurately count unique values in a list.

II. Modeling Different Scenarios with ChatGPT:

Financial Modeling for Scenario Analysis:

ChatGPT’s capabilities extend beyond Excel functions. For SaaS companies looking to model different scenarios, such as adding more salespeople, ChatGPT can prove instrumental in assessing the financial outcomes. By inputting the relevant data and parameters, ChatGPT can generate financial models that project the impact of increased sales personnel on metrics like revenue, costs, and profitability. This allows businesses to make informed decisions about scaling their sales team and anticipate the financial implications. We simply cut and paste the tables into ChatGPT and you can ask the relevant questions.

Assessing the Impact of Cost Reductions:

Another scenario that SaaS companies often encounter is the need to cut expenses, such as marketing and program spend. In such cases, ChatGPT analyzes the potential consequences on future cash flows and the company’s runway.

Inputting the current financial data and adjusting the parameters related to marketing expenses such as field marketing and digital marketing, ChatGPT can provide insights into the projected financial outcomes. Typically, it’s hard to get a clear sense of the return on marketing spend so ChatGPT can help you measure the trends on a quarterly basis. Then you can understand the potential effects on profitability, cash flow, the runway and make informed decisions regarding expense reduction strategies.

III. Leveraging What-If Analysis in Excel for Startup Success:

Performing What-If Analysis:

One powerful tool that Excel provides for startups is the capability to conduct what-if analysis. This feature allows companies to explore various scenarios and understand the potential impact of different factors on their financial outcomes. By changing input values and variables, startups can simulate hypothetical situations and evaluate the corresponding changes in key metrics.

Exploring Different Scenarios:

For a SaaS startup, performing what-if analysis using Excel can be immensely valuable. It enables the company to model and evaluate different scenarios, such as changes in pricing, customer acquisition rates, market demand, or cost structures. By adjusting these variables and observing the resulting changes in revenue, costs, profitability, and other financial indicators, startups can gain insights into potential outcomes and make more informed strategic decisions.

Optimizing Decision-Making:

What-if analysis empowers startups to explore the potential consequences of different courses of action without incurring the risks associated with real-world implementation. It allows them to analyze the best and worst-case scenarios, identify potential bottlenecks, and optimize decision-making. Startups can evaluate the financial implications of various strategies and determine the most viable and profitable paths forward.

Risk Assessment and Contingency Planning:

By using what-if analysis, startups can also assess potential risks and develop contingency plans. They can test the financial impact of adverse events or unexpected changes in market conditions, enabling them to proactively mitigate risks and develop robust risk management strategies. This helps startups anticipate and respond to challenges more effectively, ensuring the resilience and long-term viability of their business models.

Show the Board and Investors You Know the Scenarios:

What-if analysis in Excel can also be a valuable tool for communicating with stakeholders, including investors, board members, and team members. Startups can present multiple scenarios and their corresponding financial outcomes, facilitating discussions and aligning stakeholders’ expectations. This collaborative approach to decision-making fosters transparency, trust, and a shared understanding of the potential risks and rewards associated with different strategies.

Iterative Planning and Continuous Improvement:

By incorporating what-if analysis into their financial modeling and planning processes, startups can embrace an iterative approach to decision-making. They can continuously refine their assumptions, test new hypotheses, and fine-tune their strategies based on real-time feedback and insights gained from the analysis. This iterative planning mindset allows startups to adapt swiftly to changing market dynamics, maximize opportunities, and continuously improve their financial performance.

Do More with ChatGPT:

SaaS startups can significantly improve their financial operations with ChatGPT. ChatGPT empowers finance and accounting departments to save time, enhance accuracy, make data-driven decisions, and optimize their financial performance. The real-life success stories of SaaS startups leveraging ChatGPT demonstrate its transformative impact on financial operations. Embracing these tools and techniques positions startups for success in the dynamic and competitive SaaS industry.