Time-Saving Tips for Vendor and Customer Questionnaires

Meeting SOC2 compliance requirements is tedious, expensive, and time-consuming but necessary. It’s a whole company issue from the security department, to operations, HR and finance. We spent a lot of time with consultants tracking, checking, filling out the same information, and documenting the process.

ChatGPT streamlines the compliance process and provides valuable insights. We discuss how ChatGPT can assist finance departments in meeting SOC2 requirements and provide time-saving tips initially with filling out vendor and customer questionnaires which come in so many different shapes and sizes (we’ll talk about invoices next time).

Leveraging ChatGPT for SOC2 Compliance

ChatGPT can provide knowledge, guidance, best practices, and industry standards for SOC2 compliance. Finance departments can utilize ChatGPT to develop comprehensive policies and procedures that align with SOC2 requirements. Additionally, ChatGPT can assess existing security controls against SOC2 criteria and provide guidance for audit preparation. One time-saving task is filling out security questionnaires which come in so many different forms and formats.

Time-Saving Tips for Vendor and Customer Questionnaires

To streamline the process of filling out vendor and customer questionnaires, finance departments can consider the following time-saving tips.

  1. Start by developing a questionnaire response library that contains standardized responses to commonly asked questions which helps expedite the process.
  2. Leveraging ChatGPT’s capabilities allows for the generation of customized responses based on pre-defined templates and questionnaires. Collaborative workflows involving Accounts Payable, and Accounts Receivable and others also aid in streamlining the questionnaire response process.
  3. Regular updates and maintenance of the questionnaire response library ensure it remains current and aligned with organizational changes.

But How do I get my data into ChatGPT?

ChatGPT has a training data cutoff in September 2021 and it doesn’t actively fetch or update data post-training. To incorporate newer data (or in this case Your data), the AI model would have to be retrained with a more recent and relevant dataset. We use a program from Jiggy.ai which is available on the ChatGPT plug in store. What we do is drag and upload all our documents in whatever format such as MS Word, PDF, even powerpoint slides into the system. We then use JiggyChat in the same way we use ChatGPT.

Maximizing Efficiency and Accuracy

Efficiency and accuracy are key to successful SOC2 compliance efforts. Tailoring responses to the specific needs and requirements of vendors and customers ensure context-specific and relevant information. Maintaining a centralized repository of information helps consolidate and organize data, facilitating easy access and accuracy. Think about how messy Dropbox or OneDrive can get as your company scales. ChatGPT doesn’t care. And this helps meet all the compliance requirements.

Don’t Forget the Review

Implementing verification and validation processes, such as internal reviews and approval mechanisms, enhances the accuracy and completeness of questionnaire responses. Lastly, continuous improvement through feedback and lessons learned from previous questionnaires allows for the enhancement of future responses.

Finance departments can streamline SOC2 compliance efforts and effectively handle vendor and customer questionnaires. Understanding SOC2 requirements, utilizing ChatGPT’s knowledge and guidance, and implementing time-saving tips contribute to enhanced compliance processes, reduced response times, and strengthened security of customer financial data.